How To Stop
This website is my
sincere effort to help those people that have become enslaved to
tobacco use, break their addiction and improve their life. I got
hooked on tobacco use at an early age. My nicotine addiction was
typical of any young person that makes the "choice" to try smoking.
It progressed slowly into a full blown addicition that eventually
caused smoking induced lung cancer. I smoked for over twenty
years before I was finally able to, after numerous efforts to
quit, break my nicotine addiction. Three years after I quit
smoking I was diagnosed with lung cancer. That was almost 26
years ago.
Today I am alive and well and to take a phrase from a popular
Kenny Chesney song, " breathing in and breathing out is a blessing."
My story is told in detail at www.quitterscanbewinners.com.
I am an avid stock car racing fan. I have been
involved with Minicup and Baby Grand stock car racing for some time now
and I really have enjoyed it . This type of racing ususally
involves younger people that are trying to hone their racing and
driving skills on short asphalt tracks. More information about
the racecars and the series can be found at these two websites www.minicup.com and www.mmraracing .com
OBSERVATIONS: For many years the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco
Company sponsored the Nascar
stock car racing series with their Winston cigarette brand. That
sponorship was very successful financially for Nascar and R. J.
Reynolds Tobacco Company. The Winston cigarette brand became a
product that the loyal Nascar fans used faithfully. That
sponsorship by its very nature was responsible for encouraging
thousands and thousands of new tobacco users. Thousands of folks
that became addicted to nicotine and suffered illnesses and sometimes
death from tobacco use.
When the Master Tobacco Settlement Agreement was signed in 1998
the tobacco companies were banned from sponsoring, among
other events, stock car racing. A major mistake on the part of the
powers that initated and now enforce that agreement, in my opinion.
The tobacco companies were allowed to just walk away with their
profits and still enjoy the fruits of their sponsorships through their
now addicted customers.
It was proven that the tobacco companies knew about the additiveness of
their products and in some circumstances tried to enrich the nicotine
content. They were let off the proverbial hook by the sponsorship
ban. They should have been forced through a mandate in the
Agreement to give equal time and money to a racing program in an effort
to educate their addicted customers about the true dangers involved in
the use of their product and ways to stop that use. Lucky for
them that they were not forced to take such action.
GOALS: As I stated above it is my intention to help people
that are addicted to tobacco use and nicotine, break that addiction.
There are millions of people out there that have wanted to quit
smoking but have no idea how to do it. Not all methods work for all
people. Not everyone knows the truth about why they smoke.
If they did know the reason that they smoke there is a good
possibility that they could quit. Education is a powerful tool.
That is the reason that anyone wishing to quit smoking should
learn as much as they can in order to break their nicotine addiction.
Any legal, ethical method that a person can use to break their
nicotine addiction that does not harm themself or others should be
used. I will present all offers that I think may be of assistance
in anyone's efforts to quit smoking. However, one should evaluate
their own needs and take a responsible approach in their efforts to
quit smoking. I do not guarantee or warrant the effectiveness or
successfullness of any of the products.
Let me, for your information, give you one clean, clear key to a
successful quit. A successful quit smoking effort means that one
never, ever takes another puff, drag or chew of tobacco products.
It truly saddens me when I see a young person light up
and smoke a cigarette. They have no idea that the action could
begin a life time nicotine addiciton that can cause illness and
possibly an early death.
Thanks for reading and remember to breath in, breath out.
Best Regards,
Vic Johnson
If you have any
questions or concerns please contact us
via email at the following